Friday, October 20, 2017

Topics Covered in Volume 1

These are the historical topics covered in our first volume, A Comic Book History of Boston. They show the range of subjects our contributors tackled, and what topics are still out there to be explored in our second volume.

The Granary Burying Ground
New England’s “Dark Day”
The Sons of Liberty
Cowpaths of Waltham
Shays’ Rebellion
Boston’s First Duel
Pope’s Night

Black Sam the Pirate
Boston Athenaeum’s book bound in human skin
Heywood’s Brook in Concord
The Lost Pirate Treasure of “Dungeon Rock”
The Boston Slave Riot and the Trial of Anthony Burns
Edwin and John Wilkes Booth
Mark Twain Visiting Boston’s Literary Crowd
Old Ironsides

Moxie Soda
Charles Ponzi
Sacco and Vanzetti
The Old Howard Burlesque House
The Great Boston Molasses Flood
Harry “Bucky” Lew
Robert Goddard

Local Surfing History
James Brown’s concert on the night of the King assassination
The Busing Crisis
William Moulton Marston
The Boston Strangler
Boston Punk Rock
WBCN Breaks “Roxanne”
The Gardner Museum Heist
Student Activism on Immigration at Harvard
Celtic Rookie Dee Brown
Whitey Bulger, Fugitive
The Mooninite Bomb Scare
Town-Gown Relations in Cambridge